What is it?
This site provides support for the University of Calgary’s e-learning community helping them to integrate technologies to enrich teaching and student learning in the online classroom and in blended formats.
This site provides support for the University of Calgary’s e-learning community helping them to integrate technologies to enrich teaching and student learning in the online classroom and in blended formats.
Who is it for?
Campus faculty, staff and students.
Campus faculty, staff and students.
What can it do?
The site allows you to search for software and approaches to enrich teaching and student learning.
The site allows you to search for software and approaches to enrich teaching and student learning.
Categories which they provide support for include:
- D2L
- Zoom
- Top Hat
- Yuja
- Zoom
- ePortfolio
- Miscellaneous resources
- Training videos
- Resources for students
eLearn @ Ucalgary (2019). Home. University of Calgary. Retrieved from https://elearn.ucalgary.ca/ (accessed 29 March 2022).