What is it?
The Playful University Platform (PUP) is dedicated to make higher education and the university more playful - both in relation to learning, teaching, research and everything else that goes on in higher education institutions.
The Playful University Platform (PUP) is dedicated to make higher education and the university more playful - both in relation to learning, teaching, research and everything else that goes on in higher education institutions.
Who is it for?
Everyone in higher education.
Everyone in higher education.
What can it do?
On the Playful University Platform you will find both knowledge on and inspiration for what we call playful academia. PUP is aimed at inviting for more playful heads, hands and hearts in higher education and at the university. And, the platform contains multiple forms and formats for engaging with us and in the field of playful academia.
On the Playful University Platform you will find both knowledge on and inspiration for what we call playful academia. PUP is aimed at inviting for more playful heads, hands and hearts in higher education and at the university. And, the platform contains multiple forms and formats for engaging with us and in the field of playful academia.
The Playful University Platform (2021). Home. Retrieved from (accessed 13 October 2021).