What is it?
A collaborative wiki of tools for ethical pedagogy.
A collaborative wiki of tools for ethical pedagogy.
Who is it for?
What can it do?
Much of what passes for educational technology is designed for purposes of profit-seeking, surveillance of students, and user lock-in. Other kinds of technology exist, but they typically lack the marketing and sales budgets of competing vendors. This is a directory, created by and for higher-ed educators, for sharing tools and use-cases. Ethical EdTech believes that education can be a critical site through which to transform the broader tech industry and the cultures surrounding it.
Much of what passes for educational technology is designed for purposes of profit-seeking, surveillance of students, and user lock-in. Other kinds of technology exist, but they typically lack the marketing and sales budgets of competing vendors. This is a directory, created by and for higher-ed educators, for sharing tools and use-cases. Ethical EdTech believes that education can be a critical site through which to transform the broader tech industry and the cultures surrounding it.
Ethical EdTech (2021). Home. Retrieved from (accessed 26 October 2021).