What is it?
Volume 49, Issue 1-2 presented in the Comparative Journal of Curriculum, Learning, and Assessment has 17 useful articles discussing the future of education and learning as a result of Covid-19.
Volume 49, Issue 1-2 presented in the Comparative Journal of Curriculum, Learning, and Assessment has 17 useful articles discussing the future of education and learning as a result of Covid-19.
Who is it for?
Everyone interested in the effects of Covid-19 on education.
Everyone interested in the effects of Covid-19 on education.
What can it do?
Articles in this issue:
Articles in this issue:
Reflections on COVID-19 and the future of education and learning
A Global Reset of Education
COVID-19 causes unprecedented educational disruption: Is there a road towards a new normal?
Contingent reflections on coronavirus and priorities for educational planning and development
Learning and the pandemic: What’s next?
COVID-19 as a catalyst for educational change
Nothing is new, but everything has changed: A viewpoint on the future school
Imagining what education can be post-COVID-19
Girls and women in the educational system: The curricular challenge
SDG 4 and the COVID-19 emergency: Textbooks, tutoring, and teachers
Complexities of difference and their significance for managing inequality in learning: Lessons from the COVID-19 crisis
COVID-19 and the opportunity to design a more mindful approach to learning
Pandemics, leadership, and social ethics
Education as the path to a sustainable recovery from COVID-19
Collective impacts on a global education emergency: The power of network response
Education, the science of learning, and the COVID-19 crisis
- Education and the COVID-19 pandemic
Prospects: Comparative Journal of Curriculum, Learning, and Assessment (2020). A global reset: Covid-19 and the future of education and learning, 49(1-2). Retrieved from https://link.springer.com/journal/11125/volumes-and-issues/49-1